Wednesday, March 31, 2010

WFMW - Healthier Alternatives

I have been pregnant and/or nursing for two years now! It has yielded two wonderful, adorable boys, but has also yielded indulgences as well! I studied health and nutrition in college and am, in general, a pretty healthy person, and a pretty healthy eater. But I am not afraid to give in to indulgences either, especially when I have had the excuse of being pregnant or nursing...
At times, I have fully indulged, and bought that big, warm cinnamon roll from Starbucks on my way to work. But at other times I have really worked to find somewhat healthier alternatives for my sweet tooth, my biggest weakness. Out of all of my healthy alternatives, I have two that I have really enjoyed. Two that have not seemed healthy as I have sat and enjoyed them, plus they were both very simple to make and I already had all the ingredients in my house!
My fave in place of a giant cinnamon roll is this cinnamon roll toast recipe.
Another fave when I want a nice sweet cookie is this peanut butter cookie recipe.
This is what works for me in allowing for indulgences in a healthy way. What works for you?
Head on over to We Are THAT Family for more great ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy that you are enjoying the cinnamon roll toast! I love that for breakfast -- yum. It's amazing how much it actually tastes like the real deal!
