Sunday, June 14, 2009

How to Set Goals

I have been talking each month about my goals for saving and spending. I really started trying to focus on our finances back in March, really trying to figure out where and how we could cut back on our spending. For me, I enjoy setting goals because it helps me to focus on where I am going. From staying healthy to saving money, goals are great.

So why Set Goals? Why not just try to change? Why not just try?

Goals can help you:

be disciplined.
stay focused.

see progress.

remain motivated.

be accountable.

So, how do you go about setting goals? It's simple. It's all about being SMART.
You may have heard it before, but it's a good reminder to look at this acronym. I learned this in college and it has been a great help ever since! In all areas of life.


Each day this week we will look a little closer at each of these, learning how to set better goals. You don’t have to wait for January to come around again for some New Year’s resolutions. Let’s start fresh in July!

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