Wednesday, April 15, 2009

WFMW - Baking with Applesauce

If you don't already know about this great blog, We Are THAT Family, head on over today and read hundreds of posts about different tips and tricks that work well for others. It all a part of Works For Me Wednesday and you can learn some great things while you are there as well as join in on the fun!

I have always tried to be a little more on the healthy side of life. Not obsessively, but for the most part. This includes using applesauce in almost anything that I bake in place of the oil. I use it in the same measurement, I use the unsweetened variety, and it works great! This is not my tip as I'm sure many others do this already (and if you don't, I recommend trying it next time and seeing if you can tell the difference).

What I have found that works best for me is buying the smaller, individual size applesauce packets. I know it is often more economical to buy a larger bottle (or even make it yourself, which is how I LOVE to eat it), but I do not bake often enough to use it all up before it goes bad, thus, it is not more economical when I am throwing some away. And, if you can find a good sale + coupon, you can get them very cheap and it will not go bad on you sooner than you can use it.

I keep mine in the pantry, not the fridge, and am just able to open one at a time, which is 1/2 cup. And since most recipes usually call for 1/4 to 1/2 cup, I only have to use one and then I'll add a little cinnamon sugar to the remaining 1/4 cup for a small snack. You should try it today and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. I heard of this tip a while back, but had forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me because this is such a simple way to be healthier that doesn't take much effort and doesn't seem to make your food taste any different.
